Good Kitsune

  • Synopsis

    The Good Kitsune becomes one with a Kabuki actor that allows them to fight crime and save their guild from being closed. Coming in May 2023. It’s being actively worked on in the Skymachine studio

  • Inspired by Vintage Manga

    Deeply inspired by midcentury Manga. Good Kitsune is a story about my fascination with manga at the earliest phases of childhood, in simplistic hero worlds transformed with 21st century philosophies and updated neo modernism.

  • Book Excerpt

    While in development at the writing stages, a series of proof of concept Illustrations will be available in early March, late February. but wanted to get this page started now.

A Good Kitsune

A Good Kitsune is a classic tale about a fox spirit that inhabits a kabuki actor and gives them special powers, an abstracted statement of the fun and imagination that artists have in their work, like a spark of creativity that allow them to be able to state their being in full and in totality. It’s a representation of the rights of individual creators toward their work. The good Kitusne fights against crime and injustice, and lives for freedom.

The comic has been released on our Webtoon page. Visit the links in our comics and books session to read.

Good Kitsune is the first game out of our game studio, Cosmographia Lumeria. We’re still working on it.

Princess Kokoro

Half the story is the adventure of the princess, who discovers something deep within the palace that she must uncover.